1. What does the Jockey’s Claim mean?
Each horse is assigned a weight to carry in a race, depending on the conditions of the race. That weight is made up of a jockey and his tack (saddle, etc.), and sometimes added weights if needed. The average assigned weight is 113–118 pounds but can be anywhere from 101 to 129 pounds.
Inexperienced jockeys (apprentices) are allowed to take some of the weight off, to be able to compete against more established jockeys. The jockey’s claim is that weight in pounds.
The larger this figure, the less experienced is the jockey.
2. How do I write a formula to only bet in the Place market when only 50% of field in the Win market are below the price of 20?
You need two triggers, one for Win market and the other for Place.
The first one checks the number of horses that fall below the price of 20.0 and remembers it in a variable.
The second one bets in the Place market if the variable is >0 but less than half of the runners.

3. What is the difference between Rank and Index in respect to selections?
The rank shows how close the selection is to the first favourite – the selections with the lowest price in the market. If a selection’s Rank is 1, it means that selection is the favourite. Respectively, the rank of the 2nd favourite is equal to 2, etc.
A selection may (and in most cases will) change its rank in the course of the event: its rank will be increasing if its chances to win go down, and vice versa.
The Index, on the other hand, is the position in the list of selections in a market. A selection is highly unlikely to ever change its index, as BetFair forms lists of selections beforehand and rarely shuffles them. Thus we can count on the fact that, for example, a Home team will always have the index of 1, The Draw will have the index of 3, etc.
4. How can I email myself the price and volume of the current favourite team?
When you make an email trigger, in the Text field you can input any text you want to include in the email message.
In order to insert a variable or a trigger expression, just put them in square brackets.